Seattle/Northwest Mission House

Mission House | Seattle/Northwest

958 16th Ave E

Seattle, WA 98112

Phone: 206-322-8831

Fax: 206-324-6909


Visit our Mission House

Maryknoll's presence in Seattle dates back to 1920, when we ran a parish serving Japanese- and Filipino-Americans.  Since 1953, we have called the Mission House in Seattle's Capitol Hill neighborhood home.  A block from Volunteer Park and a five-minute walk from St. Joseph Parish, the Mission House not only houses our mission education and administrative offices for the Northwest, but also serves as a gathering place for mission education workshops and training programs, speakers' forums, Maryknoll Affiliates meetings, and other gatherings of mission-minded people.

More about our Mission House Facilities

Affiliates from Seattle and Portland at the 7th Annual Catholic African Connections Conference.

Salem, OR student Nicole Blanco-Mills (center) was recently awarded 3rd place in the Maryknoll magazine student essay contest by Maryknoll Father Tom Marti (right).

Maryknoll Affiliates Roger and Kitty presenting to students at St. Paul School in Seattle on their experiences in Tanzania.

Seattle Maryknoll Affiliate Veronica at her new Lay Missioner assignment in Mwanza, Tanzania.  Veronica is one of six Maryknoll Lay Missioners from Seattle.