Lent offers us a spiritual springtime: a journey to renew our souls, nurture hope, and embrace new life. In particular, this Jubilee Year invites us to become Pilgrims of Hope who reflect deeply on the transformation that comes from embracing hope.

In the middle of Lent, Jesus shares the parable of a fig tree—a seemingly lifeless tree that the gardener refuses to give up on, nurturing it with the hope that it might thrive once more. It’s not hard to see the similarities between the fig tree and our world, our country, and even our church. This parable is paired with the powerful image of the burning bush from the First Reading, where God tells Moses that he has heard the cries of His people. God assures them that they should not despair, for he will lead them out of the desert and into new life in a land flowing with milk and honey.

We, too, can feel stuck in the desert like the Israelites, or lifeless like the fig tree. Yet this Lent, God patiently waits to revive us with a hope that not only prevails but inspires us to go forth as missionary disciples, bringing new life to a hurting world.

To accompany you on the journey, we have all new free resources below.  We offer you our weekly Reflection Guides, Discover Your Neighbor lesson plans for youth, online formation workshops and more.  Sign up now to get the Reflection Guide delivered each week. 

Connect with a Mission Educator to learn more about our resources and events.

Reflection Guides / Lent & Holy Week Resources

New Reflection Guides for Ash Wednesday and each Sunday of Lent.  

Don't miss a Sunday. Sign up here for a weekly email reminder.

Lenten Reflections Guides designed for families and children.  Gather as a family each week during Lent to break open the Word.

Nuevas Guías de Reflexión para el Miércoles de Ceniza y cada domingo de Cuaresma.

No te pierdas un domingo. Regístrate aquí para recibir un recordatorio semanal por correo electrónico.

Guías de Reflexiones Cuaresmales diseñadas para familias y niños. Reúnansen en familia cada semana durante la Cuaresma para abrir la Palabra.

Take on this powerful adventure with Way of The Cross in today's world.  Let's walk with Jesus in his last moments. Let's pray together, recognizing that his pain is felt everywhere by everyone. This connects us all, weaving a story of enduring faith and hope through our shared human experience.

Click here for the Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns' Economic and Ecological Way of the Cross.

Atrévete a embarcarte en esta poderosa aventura con el Vía Crucis en el mundo actual. Caminemos junto a Jesús en sus últimos momentos. Oremos juntos, reconociendo que su dolor se siente en todas partes por todos. Esto nos conecta a todos, tejiendo una historia de fe y esperanza duraderas a través de nuestra experiencia humana compartida. 

Haz clic aquí para acceder al Vía Crucis Económico y Ecológico de la Oficina de Asuntos Globales de Maryknoll. 

LENT ISSUE on Global Solidarity COMING SOON.

During this Lent, we journey together with God as Pilgrims of Hope. Our upcoming Lenten Global Solidarity issue focuses on the Jubilee Year where students will use the Church’s Lenten practices of Prayer, Charity, and Fasting as ways to become Pilgrims of Hope. They will compare their lives with the lives of teens in Bolivia based on the story that they will read. And finally, they and their families will plan “Look Up” events to focus on the needs of others.

Go to our website for more information.

Durante esta Cuaresma, caminamos junto a Dios como Peregrinos de Esperanza. Nuestro próximo número de Solidaridad Global de Cuaresma se centra en el Año Jubilar, donde los estudiantes utilizarán las prácticas cuaresmales de la Iglesia de Oración, Caridad y Ayuno como formas de convertirse en Peregrinos de Esperanza. Compararán sus vidas con las vidas de los adolescentes de Bolivia basándose en la historia que leerán. Y finalmente, ellos y sus familias planificarán eventos de “Mirar hacia arriba” para centrarse en las necesidades de los demás. Visita nuestro sitio web para obtener más información.

Retreats and Events

We will be part of the Annual LA RECongress (Los Angeles Religious Education Congress) in Anahaim, California!

February 20-23, 2025. Visit us at booths # 513 & 612!

In Person 

March 29, 2025

9AM - 3PM @ NY Maryknoll Center 

Join us on Saturday, March 29, 2025 at the beautiful Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers Center in Ossining, NY.

This transformative day is designed to help you strengthen your ministerial identity and spirituality. You’ll gain the skills and resources needed to seamlessly integrate mission into your life, ministry and programs, empowering your work in ways that resonate with those you serve.


February 26, 2025

3PM PT | 4PM MT | 5PM CT | 6PM ET 

This evening gathering will utilize the weekly Reflection Guides as you contemplate your own journey of faith as well as the social issues that are impacting our world today through reflection on Scripture and personal prayer. 


Febrero 25, 2025

5PM PT | 6PM MT | 7PM CT | 8PM ET 

Te invitamos a estos talleres sobre recursos cuaresmales. Este taller está disponible para catequistas, maestros, líderes parroquiales, diocesanos y padres de familia. 

¡Te esperamos!


Join us for small group scripture reflections, every Wednesday, starting on Ash Wednesday. We will meet via Zoom with 2 groups:
12PM Eastern Time

12PM Pacific Time

Deep your faith this Lent season connecting with others in faith and in community!


Abril 16, 2025

4PM PT | 5PM MT | 6PM CT | 7PM ET 

En este retiro en Semana Santa, tendremos la oportunidad de prepararnos para el Triduo Pascual. Durante estos 3 días conmemoramos la Vida-Pasión, Muerte y Resurrección de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo y especialmente en este año Jubilar: Peregrinos de Esperanza 2025 te ofrecemos este espacio para reflexionar sobre nuestra vocación misionera en el contexto donde vivimos y servimos.  

¡Te esperamos!

More events and resources in Spanish