Webinars / workshops
Bring the world home
In the Maryknoll Global Solidarity Webinar series is now on YouTube! We will explore how we might stand with people in different parts of the world through wars, displacement, the pandemic etc. Are we being drawn closer together in bonds of global solidarity or are we moving further apart? To watch webinars from missioners around the world or workshops that help you utilize our resources, visit our YouTube channel for a complete list or select from the list below.
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Webinar Recordings Linked Below:
Webinars from missioners around the world
click on the Title to watch the video on YouTube
This webinar celebrates the new Day of Indigenous People in the Americas, shifting focus from Columbus Day to honor indigenous communities’ resilience and contributions. It explores themes of identity, inspired by Martin Scorsese’s Killers of the Flower Moon, and discusses significant events like Pope Francis’s repudiation of the Doctrine of Discovery.
Workshops: mission ed and resources
click on the Title to watch the video on YouTube
Using Maryknoll Resources for Lent Workshop
This evening gathering will utilize the weekly Reflection Guides as you contemplate your own journey of faith as well as the social issues that are impacting our world today through reflection on Scripture and personal prayer.
Fr. Stephen (Esteban) Judd, M.M. shares of his years at the Language Institute in Cochabamba, Bolivia and recalls his experience of sharing life with the indigenous peoples of Peru, Bolivia, and other places in Latin America from Mexico to the Argentine Patagonia.
Maryknoll priest, Dennis Moorman, shares his mission experience working with the LGBTQ+ Community in Brazil. Fr. Dennis was asked to walk with this marginalized community during his first few years of joining Maryknoll. With a very amazed, "Yes!" Fr. Dennis gained the community's trust and learned so much from the people.
This webinar with Anna Johnson explores ecology and the work we are called to do as Catholics, particularly during the Season of Creation and in light of the Laudato Si Movement.
This is a workshop to introduce the Wholemakers curriculum on care for creation. The workshop includes a panel of the leaders who helped develop Wholemakers and a sampling of some parts of the curriculum. This resource weaves together the latest climate science with insights from the Catholic tradition to equip young adults to be the faithful protagonists our world needs.
Join us to welcome Maryknoll Fr. Joe Thaler as he shares with us insights from his ministry with the people of Nepal recalling their culture and faith life following many years of on-going service. He will share several important transformative relationships that he developed there, as well as what he is planning for his next ministry accompanying and serving an American Indian community in the U.S.
Get the most out of the Easter Reflection Guides by watching this how to video to get the most out of using our resource guides for the Easter season!
Join Deacon Denny Davis, a Deacon in South Dakota; Teresa Trout, of the St. Cloud, MN Missions Office and a Maryknoll Seminarian. The webinar will be lead by Maryknoll Mission Formation Program Teacher / Catechist and Discover Your Neighbor Team Leader Kevin McCarthy, MEd, who is himself an experienced Immersion Trip Leader of numerous trips, and Deacon Paul Bork, a veteran Immersion Trip participant and webinar coordinator.
Immerse yourself in the powerful recording of our latest listening session as we explore the enduring legacy of Saint Lawrence of Rome, the steadfast Deacon and Martyr. Discover how his unwavering commitment to Gospel values and the marginalized continues to resonate today. Join us as we reflect on his inspiring life and discuss how deacons of today can embrace his spirit to address today’s challenges and seize new opportunities, all while embodying the principles of synodality
Young people are tired of being told that they are the future and instead they want to be recognized and given an opportunity to share their gifts and talents in the church now. They want their voices to be heard and to take part in the decision-making process.
Listen to Maryknoll's Fr. Joe Healey who works with Small Christian Communities (SCCs) in Eastern Africa and Alloys Nyakundi from Kisii, Kenya as he explores how to meet young people where they are at to fulfill their spiritual needs and collaborate together in mission today, especially through online, in-person and hybrid SCCs.
2024 Advent Retreat
In this retreat, we explore the themes of joy and hope that define the Advent season. Through discussion and reflection, we explore how we can embody these values in our daily lives and communities. Drawing on Pope Francis's insights, we engage with his teachings to inspire our journey as missionary disciples.
Have you every wanted to explore the connections between Catholic Spirituality and the Indigenous spiritualities of North America but unsure how to as a non-Indigenous person? We will explore the witness of Lakota holy man and Servant of God Nicholas Black Elk Sweetgrass and the use of sweetgrass, as an important medicine in both North America and northern Europe. Also known as Mary's Grass, sweetgrass is an example of the shared reverence for our Creator God and an important teacher for finding new ways to live in right relationship on the land called Turtle Island. Click the title above to watch the recording!
Celebrate the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe in this special workshop where we explore her profound legacy alongside Juan Diego. Together, they take on a journey of dialogue and spiritual awakening, preparing for the birth of a new creation with dignity. It explores their timeless narrative, revealing the deep symbolism and cultural significance that resonate across generations. Explore Our Lady of Guadalupe and Juan Diego's spiritual journey, which emphasizes themes of renewal, hope, and the interconnectedness of humanity and the cosmos. Reflect on the sacredness found in anticipation and spiritual growth, and the universal message embedded in their story. Discover the enduring impact of Our Lady of Guadalupe and Juan Diego as we honor their feast day with reverence. Gain insight into their transformative influence on faith, culture, and unity, and explore how their legacy continues to inspire spiritual renewal and solidarity across diverse communities.
Listen to Maryknoll Father John Barth from the Thailand-Myanmar border where he ministers to refugees from Pakistan, Nepal, and Afghanistan. Bangkok is a crossroads for refugees from all around South and East Asia who wait years for a sponsor so the UN will not close their case.
Listen to Maryknoll Father John Barth from the Thailand-Myanmar border where he ministers to refugees from Pakistan, Nepal, and Afghanistan. Bangkok is a crossroads for refugees from all around South and East Asia who wait years for a sponsor so the UN will not close their case. Click the link to above to watch the recording of this webinar.
In collaboration with the Maryknoll Lay Missioners, Peg Vámosy led our webinar from her mission in El Salvador to share her stories of ministry in the context of this Season of Creation. Care for God’s creation is a focus of Peg’s ministry as she listens to the voices of creation from the smallest child to the majesty of the abundant jungle. Listen to the voices of those with whom Peg lives, struggles, and celebrates by clicking the title to view the recording.
In this video, learn how to effectively use Maryknoll's Advent resources to enrich your Advent experience at home, in your parish, and within your community. Discover practical ideas to embrace the hope and joy of the season through meaningful activities, reflections, and prayers. Whether you're looking to deepen your own Advent journey or seeking inspiration to share with others, you'll find valuable tips and creative suggestions to make the most of this special time of year. Watch the video to see how you can bring the light of hope to those around you!
This webinar features Fr. Joyalito Tajonero, M.M. and his work with migrants in Taiwan. These migrants come from the Philippines, Myanmar, Indonesia and Vietnam. In addition, Fr. Joy welcomes volunteers form Maryknoll's Short Term Overseas Volunteer Program. Share it with a friend!
This video offers an enchanting celebration and profound reflection on the Holy Spirit's harmonious dance with creation. It explores the divine presence embodied in the natural world, much like the breath of wind that brings life, the refreshing waters of baptism that signify new beginnings, the fertile Earth that sustains us, and the flames that propelled the disciples forward. The symbolism of the dove, soaring through sacred scripture, representing peace and the Holy Spirit’s gentle guidance, is also discussed.
This interactive webinar will feature Brother Loren Beaudry, M.M. and a project started by him and two Tanzanian teachers called Msaada Foundation. Msaada is a Swahili word meaning "Support". Its goal is to teach schools about learning disabilities such as Dislexia, ADHD, ADD and Autism.
In this recorded online gathering, we explore the profound connection between faith, culture, and identity through the story of Our Lady of Guadalupe and Juan Diego. Participants shared personal stories about how cultural traditions—expressed through dance, music, food, poetry, processions, and artwork—have shaped their faith and inspired them to live as missionary disciples. The discussion also highlighted how these traditions, often rooted in resilience and resistance, continue to influence their spiritual journeys. This video provides viewers with valuable insights and reflections, deepening their understanding of these traditions and offering a richer perspective on the role of culture in faith.
Fr. Charlie Dittmeier will share with us his ministry with the Deaf community in Cambodia. Charlie is a diocesan priest from Louisville, KY and a Maryknoll associate priest (since 1987) who is working in Cambodia as director of the Deaf Development Programme and pastor of the English parish in Phnom Penh.
Missionary disciples are called to leave the “comfort of the shore” to engage the world. In doing that we are often confronted with a disturbing reality that can disorient and overwhelm us.
Thankfully, our tradition provides us with a framework to read the signs of the times through the lens of the Gospel in a way that help us discern how the Spirit invites us to continue the mission of love. In this interactive webinar, we will look at how the See-Judge-Act (Pastoral Circle) method utilized in Catholic Social Teaching and Evangelii Gaudium guides the missionary discipleship dynamic. Focusing on the Social Analysis component, we will look at practical applications and examples to better equip us to go forth boldly in mission.
More Webinars from missioners around the world
We are proud to welcome Maryknoll Sister Marvelous (Marvie) Lomerio Misolas, M.M. who will share how an awareness of "white privilege" can help us shift our way of doing mission. She will also share many other learnings and transformations from doing mission work.
Maryknoll Sisters in Panama are living Pope Francis' call to care for God's creation! Experience in this webinar how one community of missioners are caring for our earth in the beautiful and abundant country of Panama. Sister Jocelyn Fenix, MM shares her communities commitment to radically living out the call of Laudato Si in Panama and trains others as well through giving alternative health workshops to local lay leaders.
During WWII, Sr. Joanne Doi’s father and grandfather were detained at the Manzanar “Relocation Center” (detention camp) in the California desert, where the St. Francis Xavier (Maryknoll) parish community was also interned. In 1981, Sr. Joanne entered the Maryknoll Sisters and was assigned to Peru.
This webinar features stories of modern day martyrs, men and women that were caught up in a civil war yet were able to give their lives as witnesses of Jesus Christ. Maryknoll Father John Spain, M.M. knew and worked with St. Archbishop Oscar Romero who lived and walked with those who suffered, died, survived, and who himself was a martyr and is now a Saint. Hear how the people of El Salvador continue to live in the shadow of that era and themselves can be considered saints.
The UN has declared 2021 the International Year to End Child Labor. June 12 is the World Day Against Child Labor. Maryknoll Sister Mary Vertucci, M.M. has lived and taught in Tanzania for more than 35 years to provide secondary education to young Maasai women. Her vision became a reality in her founding of the Emusoi Centre, Arusha, Tanzania in 1999. The Emusoi Centre serves girls from the Maasai tribe and girls who belong to the pastoralist/hunter-gatherer tribes. Centre alumni have gone on in their education to become doctors, clinical officers, accountants and other professions as well as having the opportunity to choose marriage when they become adults.
Maryknoll trusted collaborators Ellen and Josh Van Cleef share their insights into the ecology, culture and challenges in Appalachia today. Ellen and Josh are pastoral ministers in the Diocese of Lexington, KY serving at Holy Cross parish in Jackson, KY
In this Global Solidarity Webinar, journey to Cambodia with Fr. Kevin Conroy, a dedicated Maryknoll Associate priest. He offers profound insights into the challenges and rewards of delivering compassionate and professional care to Cambodia's most vulnerable citizens. The Maryknoll Mental Health Program extends critical support to mentally ill individuals in remote villages, often among Cambodia's poorest. They serve as primary caregivers, a role amplified during the COVID-19 pandemic, presenting new hurdles in their mission of mercy.
Fr Kevin Conroy has been developing compassionate, high quality mental health services to the people of Cambodia over the past decades, in a country where such services have been lacking. Join us for an update from Fr Kevin as to insights into the stories of the challenges and successes of those whom he and his team minister to.
Join Fr. Brian Barrons, M.M., a Maryknoll missioner serving in Northeast China and Director of the Maryknoll China Teachers Program for an update on ministry in Northeast China and overview of the Maryknoll China Teachers Program including the joys and challenges there.
Fr. Joe Fedora, M.M., provides compassionate care for those with serious illnesses, shares the Good News of Jesus Christ and works for justice among the people in Lima, Peru. Join us as Fr. Joe provides insights into how God is working among the people of Peru and how they reflect God's love in their lives.
Join Fr. Paul Masson, M.M. to explore mission today amongst the people of Bolivia: prison and parish ministry; intercultural formation of Maryknoll seminarians; Justice, Peace and Integration of Creation ministry in Bolivia; an overview of the current situation in Bolivia and beyond into Latin America.
Advent is a season of hope but for so many, it’s also a season of memories and a reminder of unfulfilled dreams. In this webinar Maryknoll Mission Educator, Brenda Noriega, will share her own migration story while inviting us to look at how we can accompany the migrants and refugees in our midst during this Advent Season. The Scriptures are clear and consistent in our calling to welcome the stranger and care for those on the margins. Immigrants and refugees continue being on the margins. The topic of migration is many times used for political gain. The media tells us who our immigrant brothers and sisters are and what they have to offer when they arrive.
The rate that our climate is changing is alarming and destructive, with the greatest impacts on communities who are poorest around the world. Dr. Alphonce Omolo and Fr. Joe Healey, M.M. share what’s happening in Kenya as hundreds of families living along the shores of Lake Victoria are displaced by recent floods. We discuss how our faith helps us understand our call to act for climate justice and draw inspiration from the youth of the world that are demanding action and working to enact God’s love.
In this Global Solidarity Webinar we travel to the border of El Paso, TX and Juarez, MX with Maryknoll Lay Missioner and immigration attorney, Heidi Cerneka. Heidi discusses the reality of asylum-seekers at the U.S. – Mexico border in El Paso. She gives an overview of the situation at the border, and the current situation of people who are knocking on our door at the southern border to ask for protection and ask for asylum, through telling the stories of the individuals she has represented.
Check out this Global Solidarity Webinar as we travel to Egypt with our presenter, Fr. Doug May, M.M. as he shares his experiences of being in mission in Egypt for 20 years. Fr Doug speaks about the church in Egypt, in the Middle East and the Coptic Catholic presence there.
Join us as we travel to Guatemala for another Global Solidarity Webinar guided by Br Marty Shea, MM. Br Marty has been in mission in solidarity and accompaniment with the marginalized, vulnerable peoples of Central America. Br Marty will enlighten us with stories of those whom he has joined with on their often dangerous, painful and necessary pilgrimage to seek a safe life for themselves and their families.
Join us as we travel to Jamaica for another Global Solidarity Webinar. Our presenters, Deacon Baldwin Powell - a Deacon of the Diocese of Montego Bay, Jamaica, and Dr. Tracy McFarlane, social and health psychologist, will lead us in learning about how the COVID-19 pandemic has been impacting the people, the church and the economy of our neighboring nation in the Caribbean.
This Global Solidarity Webinar features stories on the mission journey into healing trauma from Maryknoll Missioners, Fr. Dennis Moorman and Sister Euphrasia (Efu) Nyaki who currently serve in João Pessoa, Brazil. This is a great opportunity not only to listen to their witness and how to proclaim and avail yourself of God's healing love but also to acquire tools and learn from each other.
In this video, we hear how our brothers and sisters in East Africa are experiencing the impacts of the coronavirus. Join Maryknoll missioners Mike Bassano, John Barth and Joe Healey and members of local Small Christian Communities in Kenya and the Malakal UN Protection of Civilians Refugee Camp in South Sudan and Uganda as they share their realities and enrich our reflection on where we are finding God in these difficult times. Join us digitally as we come together in global solidarity as missionary disciples with hope!
In this video, we hear how our brothers and sisters in East Africa are experiencing the impacts of the coronavirus. Join Maryknoll missioners Mike Bassano, John Barth and Joe Healey and members of local Small Christian Communities in Kenya and the Malakal UN Protection of Civilians Refugee Camp in South Sudan and Uganda as they share their realities and enrich our reflection on where we are finding God in these difficult times. Join us digitally as we come together in global solidarity as missionary disciples with hope!